Saturday, December 15, 2007

Google Video treats

Via the "Christopher Hitchens Appreciation Society" on Facebook, on which I am a proud member and contributor, I found a link to something called "The Four Horsemen," a two hour-long discussion between the Hitch, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Daniel Dennett, the four individuals that many would consider to be the vanguard of the new atheist movement, although two of them (not Dawkins or Dennett) would probably be appalled to find that they were labeled as part of any such group or movement. Here's a link to both hours. I think this is in Hitchens' house in D.C., as I remember it from when he did a tour of it in his C-Span interview:

Hour 1
Hour 2

That Sam Harris is quite a dish, isn't he? I've read God is not Great, The God Delusion, and The End of Faith, but not Dennett's book. That's something I will do over break.

Also, I think it's about time I read a lot of books challenging all these claims and arguing for religion. Are there any books like that that I could read and take seriously and don't use the Bible as a primary source?

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